This site is to share the teachings of my respected teacher, Shaykh Muhammad Imran.
Without doubt, the information that is published on this site will not be a word-to-word account of his talks, but Allah willing, it will give the viewers a good insight and some nourishment for the soul.
Shaykh Muhammad Imran completed Alimiyyah course at Darul Uloom al Arabiyyah al Islamiyyah, Bury, UK. After graduating in 1990 he joined his respected father and became Senior Imam of the Jami' Masjid, Leicester, UK and currently he is also a Principal and Ustaadh of Hadeeth at Jameah Uloomul Qur'an, Leicester.
A brief explanation of what Tasawwuf is all about. This book consists of information on how to purify the heart. Available at "The Islamic Establishment" Asfordby Street, Leicester........Or order it online now!