"When asked what deeds were the most beloved by Allah, the prophet Muhammed sallahu alaihi wassalam replied, "The most regular, constant deeds even though they may be a few". He added, "Take upon yourselves only those deeds which are within your ability." (bukhari)As most of us may be aware what this
hadith is saying. That those deeds, which are regular are most beloved to Allah. We all tried to act upon this
hadith, with the help of a weekly
hadith, target and did you know. I hope and pray that we all tried our utmost best to bring those
hadiths in our lives and act upon them persistently.
Also as you can see the 2
nd part of the
hadith which mentions, only try to act upon those deeds that you are capable of. It can get difficult improving ourselves in
deen, whilst we work and study. So
insha'Allah for those that work, go university, college and even those seekers of knowledge (
ilm), i will carry on quoting a weekly
Hadith, Target and a Did you know. In this method
insha'Allah, we can put a new target and hadith into practice every week and increase our knowledge
whether it be just a little amount, as long as we keep it persistent.
May Allah accept our efforts.