Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Wudhu (Ablution)

On the previous Wednesday my respected teacher elaborated on the topic wudhu and mentioned three prayers essential whilst making wudhu (ablution):

To take the name of Allah subhana watala before doing any action.


1. An action done without Allah subhana watala's glorious name is incomplete, even though it may seem to be complete, it will not have the barakah in it. There are certain things that become haram, if done without taking Allah's name e.g slaughtering an animal. It is not permissible for a Muslim to eat the meat of an animal, which has not been slaughtered with Allah's name.

It is sunnat to Pray "bismillah" before washing each part (a'adha) of the body in wudhu.


"Ashadu-laa-ilaa-ha-ilal-laahu-wahdahu-laashareeka-lahu wa-ashhadu-anna-muhammadan-abduhu-warasoo-luhu"

I testify that there is no god (worthy of worship) but Allah. He is one by himself. There is no partner in Him and i testify that Muhammad (Sallahu alaihi wassalam) is his servant and his messenger.

After that recite the following prayer:


O Allah, make me of those who turn to you and repent much and make me of those who stay very clean and very pure.

In this prayer, firstly we ask Allah subhana watala to make us, from those who ask for forgiveness. This will purify our inner self and then we ask to be from those who keep themselves clean and pure from the outside. This dua also shows that it is giving priority to our inner-self and to be pure from the inside is extremely important.

May Allah give us the ability to act upon these prayers Ameen.

Week 19

"The one who initiates the salaam is free of pride" (Bayhaqi, Shu'ab al iman)

Al-Amide (d. 1314 C.E) a Syrian who was blind from childhood, developed a tactile system of reading by hand later developed by and popularised by Louis Braille, 500 years earlier.

InshAllah- try and make salaam to very Muslim you go past.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Seeker of knowledge ...(ILM)

(It maybe divided into two categories)

1. NUR-e- NABUWAT (light of Islam)
2. ILM-e- NABUWAT (knowledge of Islam)

This will only be attained if one has complete, Love and obedience towards the 'Ilm, teachers, books, equipment used for gaining the Islamic Sciences. One who acts upon, what he/she has learnt will be blessed with Nur-e-Nabuwat. By gaining this one has achieved the true meaning of knowledge and Allah سبحانه و تعالى will surely elevate him/her.

Remember, a person who is talented can gain the knowledge (ilm-e-nabuwat) but lack the Nur (divine light) of the knowledge because he/she did not have love for the knowledge and did not act upon it, nor he had respect of it. This 'Ilm will be useless to him/her and it may be detrimental for him/her.

Therefore we need to acquire both, ILM-e-NABUWAT which is attained by effort, and NUR-e-NABUWAT is gained by sitting in the company of the pious scholars.


Respected teacher reminds us a few points regarding appreciation, It is essential in one's life to be thankful to Allah سبحانه و تعالى as this will increase that blessing for us.

*The most valuable gift is to have Imaan, we must do Shukr (be thankful) to Allah سبحانه و تعالى for giving us this amazing gift.

*One of the greatest ways of appreciating and being thankful about the gift of Imaan, is to act upon all the good deeds. By undertaking this Allah سبحانه و تعالى will increase us in our IMAAN... InshaAllah.

*Most honoured teacher always mentions, that Shaytaan's mission is to penetrate in one's heart and he will do anything to do so, but remember keeping "our lips and tongue wet" by uttering the Glorious names of Allah will save us from shaytaan's evil thoughts.

"Allah is the friend of the believers, he takes them out from the darkenesses to light"
(quran 2:257)

Respected teacher says:
"It's up to you, to keep the friendship of Allah or to break it."

May Allah give me the Tawfique to act upon what has been said by respected and us all. Any mistakes are truly made unintentionally.